The past few months we've had a few changes at our house, not bad changes, but changes none-the-less.
I was released from my calling in the Young Women's, which I'd been in for 3 years!! It has been a bit of a relief, but weird, to not have anything to do on Tuesday nights. I also have become obsessed with craft blogs, my newest favorite is Knock-Off-Wood. This lady looks at Pottery Barn furniture and makes a knock-off plan which you can get at her site for free. They look so good. I am planning to build a Cameron Shelf.
Icky is getting too smart for his own good, I asked him a question in the car the other day. Given it was a repeat, but he didn't answer the first time. His response was, "I told you that five minutes ago Mom." Also after getting after him for squeezing Marley's arm (which she hates) he said, "I didn't hurt him very bad." (every boy is a him as is every girl, I now find myself mixing the two up sometimes) He'll be four soon and I have found a couple of pre-schools I'm interested in sending him to and I'm getting a little heart sick that my boy is big enough for school.
Marley's personality is really starting to come out. She is so sweet, she shyly smiles at strangers and says cute things like "lub oo daddy" and "pease" and "ta tu". But I am learning that she doesn't like to be crossed or told 'no'. She hits and yells 'no' when her diaper is being changed (which she hates, by the way). She already knows how to run away when I'm trying to get her to do something. Marley knows how to get her brother in trouble, he'll come close to her and not touch her, she will yell and scream so I think he's done something and when I ask what has happened she'll say "Gayick hit." I really try not to laugh. But it is funny.
Carl hasn't changed much, he is a teacher in the elders quorem now, a break from primary. He is learning that the kids want him as much as me, every morning they ask for him then tell me I'm lying when I say he's at work. Marley runs after him and says "daddy, cawal," (Daddy, Carl)he loves this. Garrick wants to be his right hand man for fix-it jobs and Mario Cart Wii. He also keeps asking if Carl is getting old. He is such a great Dad.
Isn't a married-with-kids life fun.