Garrick: a quandry.
He is hilarious and frustrating. While I sit here watching them play in the pool, and he tries to make the boat his Dad made him float, he is asking Jesus to make his boat float, since neither Carl or I can. This is hilarious, what is frustrating is the hours he spends talking about the boat he wants to make and how I need to make it for him. (We are talking about a full size paddle boat that I can whip out of thin air, after we've made a trip to Home Depot of course.) He is also all of the sudden interested in all sorts of animals; what they eat and how to catch them. On the way home from Carl's parents when we thought he would be passed out he was asking us what every animal he could think of ate and then he asked us about chipmunks. He said he wanted to catch a chipmunk and we explained that it would bite him because it would think he was trying to hurt him because wild animals don't know we are nice, to which he replied; "I kiss wild animals."
Needless to say he is constantly keeping us on our toes and surprising us with how much he remembers and how bright he is.
Marley: a busy-body.
I spent 30 of Garrick's 40 minute swimming lessons consoling her because she didn't get to get in the pool. She is into whatever Garrick is into and talks a mile a minute. She doesn't let you ignore her and will say your name until you reply. She knows exactly what she wants and is trying to get it at all costs. She eats all my ripe tomatoes and some green ones. She is getting to be such a big girl. Her favorite things to say are "Right now." and "I need a snack." (Which she says the minute you get her out of bed.) I love that she'll play in her crib and give me a couple of minutes to wake up before she wants out, which is why we haven't given her a toddler bed yet.
1 comment:
Marley reminds me so much of my Brennon. Although, not the tomatoe part:) Your kids are adorable!
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