Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What kids pick up

It is really interesting what kids pick up from each other. We have begun introducing Marley to the 'potty' a little bit. By introducing I mean, we leave the door open when Garrick goes and we ask her if she wants to go. What has come from this is not what we expected. The past few weeks before we put Mar in the tub we ask her if she needs to go. The problem isn't that she won't try it is how she tries. She lifts up the seat stands up and arches her back and puts her belly over the rim of the seat and if I try to sit her down she gets upset. So until today that is all it has been Marley pretending to go potty. Tonight at bath time we did the same drill except, while I turned to check to bath water, she actually pottied. All the way down her legs. Needless to say I hope we can get her to sit next time, and we may start shutting the door when Garrick goes..

1 comment:

Mandy said...

That is very funny! Well if you do figure it out, let me know because Addi refused to even discuss the topic of using the potty! Maybe I will let her watch Garrick too because the wrong way is still a way right?