Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A New House

Okay, so not really a new house, but it sure feels like it. Carl and I, mostly Carl, have been working for weeks getting tile and baseboards done. We've painted bathrooms and our bedroom. We have been crazy busy for a very long time, and now we are done. On Friday the carpet guys came and we have new carpet, which Garrick says is very soft. We love it and finally feel like the house is our own and not someone elses. Now, if anyone wants to come and be my interior decorator, that would be appreciated, I really struggle with that. Thanks for all the help from the Widdisons and my brothers, pulling carpet padding staples isn't much fun. But we are done and just in time for Garrick and I to enjoy our summer off work, and get ready for the baby sister.


Bench Family said...

It looks so good! I remember the feeling of finally finishing our basement in Utah. So nice to have it done.

The Perkins said...

Your house looks awesome! I need some of your ambition to get my house painted :).

That crib of Garrick's is awesome...great how it converts to a little toddler bed.

Bench Family said...

Hey Meg, I've never even asked... do you guys have name picked out for the baby?