Sunday, April 13, 2008

To Nap or Not to Nap

My wonderful darling boy is such a good kid, he eats good, he sleeps at night good, he listens pretty good, and he talks like a freakin' champ. But naps are the bane of my existence. He doesn't give my sitter any problems but he has been a pill for my mom and myself for sometime. This coupled with the switch to a toddler bed has made nap time frustrating to me and really funny to him. Even if he is dead tired he fights napping, I know this because I will pick him up and hold him for less than 5 minutes and he is out. It is almost like he is so tired but he can't get himself to sit still, because once he does he is out. Naps are also really important for him, he really needs his naps (okay truth be told maybe we both do), he becomes this crazy person without them as do I. Any of you wonderful toddler moms who has a trick, the advice would be more than welcome. So for me not nappping is not an option, but Garrick thinks it is funny to test me. Amy you were right I spoke a little too soon, but if naps are my only issue with my two year old I am so happy. Oh, naps and the ever growing baby in my womb, she and Garrick are really, I mean really hard to carry together.


Mandy said...

Bad mom so I have no idea! I have never once put Addi down for a nap, I either put her in the car and drive or hold her. So no help will come from me! Sorry, he sure is cute though!

Bench Family said...

The one word we "love" as parents...consistency... just keep putting him back in, eventually my kids caught on... eventually.

Widdisons said...

Can't you just tie him down?

The Selman's said...

A GIRL!!!! YEA!!!! Girls are so much fun... and so much fun to dress. I am so excited for you. Good luck on the whole nap thing... Addison is the same way. But I agree if that is the worst thing... we are pretty lucky!

Lindseylou said...

Hey Meg congrats on an addition to the fam. You're braver than I am - especially since your boy won't nap! Don't let anyone tell you that two year olds are bad...three year olds are hellacious! Wish I could offer some suggestions, Wyatt still naps two hours a day and he's four...oh, wait, my mom babysits him everyday - that's the secret! Might have a rap book, I'll find it for you after I get Laura to come organize my garage!!