Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I rarely talk about Marley, but she is wonderful!! She is a true girl, she has the
ability to locate at least one, if not several pairs of shoes at any given time and wants to be wearing them. She will go and get a comb if Carl is laying on the floor. She is Getting so big too. She talks a ton. Her favorite words are puppy, plate, treat, Garrick (which she says quite well), Daddy, Mom, mimi (blankey), cheese (she is my daughter), PaPa (grandpa, to everyone who looks a little older), and of course "no". She is learning sorry and about any other word she hears someone say. She said "Have that," to me the other day when she wanted something. She is learning to play with Garrick and wats to be doing any and everything he is doing. She also stands her ground and like my boy, when given the fight or flight situation, she fights. She loves her mimi and her thumb and she is a bit of a mama's girl (okay, a lot of a mama's girl). She is more shy than Garrick but just as sweet. I am adjusting, she was only in the 25th percentile for her weight at her last appointment. I just think my little opposites are so cute.

1 comment:

Lindseylou said...

She's too cute. So she sits on the floor and does Carl's hair? So funny. She's going to be petite just like her mama, lucky girl. Glad she can hold her own against that brother of hers...I personally know he can be a brute - I've been on the receiving end of it:)