Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ah, the joy of

ambition that doesn't come to fruition. My wonderful count down to Christmas lasted all of 3 days, you can see I am not a habitual person. So without further adieu here is the countdown to Christmas 2009.
#7 Putting up the Christmas tree, a little early this year. But it was snowing so it added to the ambiance.
#6 The very random lights in Layton. It was also freezing.
A family picture by our favorite place during the winter. This was on our Christmas Card.

Here is my little singer and his back-up. They are singing his favorite song from the Polar Express. They are getting so they play so well together. Marley is also getting so that she worships the ground Garrick walks on.

I don't have any pics for this one, but it is cute none-the-less. We went (a little late) to pick out the presents for the Arkansas Bench cousins and Garrick really shocked me. I thought he would throw a fit because I wasn't buying him toys, but he was wonderful. He actually begged me for the better part of an hour to go and see Tanner in Arkansas, he didn't care that he was in school or that the drive would take hours. He really wanted to visit his cousins and give them their presents. It reminded me of when they left in August and he broke down bawling because they were gone and he didn't say good bye. He has a very tender heart.
That my son would honestly be happy if Santa only brought him a Polar Express and a Yo-Yo. And as corny as it seems that we are so blessed this Christmas to have what we have. It hit me more this year than others that we are truly a very happy, blessed family
When we do Christmas Eve in Layton we don't do big family things. So as a little family we had a nice dinner, opened pajamas and Up, and read the Christmas story out of the bible, a short version anyway. We then stayed up way too late and watched Up. Towards the end I looked over thinking Garrick had put something in his mouth, he hadn't he was crying. We all went to bed, and nestled all "snug in our beds." Merry (belated) Christmas.


Lindseylou said...

You're so funny. We're trying to establish some of our own traditions as well. Love your two little singers and your family photo.

Leslie Pack said...

What a special family. I loved the family picture. I think its great at how well Garrick and Marley get along.