Monday, July 6, 2009

Camping, 1, swimming, and the 4th

We have had a busy couple of weeks but they've been great.

First, since we have a 4-wheeler, we had to test it out. Weekend before last we went up to the Gatherum family property at Causey and stayed the night. Camping in a tent was a little rough on us but we had a great time. Garrick is such a boy and his favorite part was throwing rocks in the streams. Marley was terrified of Jade (the dog) she kept popping up when Marley least expected it. I felt bad but it was hilarious.

Marley's first birthday was last week and we had such a good day. We did some shopping, and then the kids played in the sprinklers in the back yard, Marley loved the mud. My parents came over for dinner, presents, and cake. Garrick liked opening presents and Marley loved to watch him, he now has a hard time understanding why they aren't his. She loved her cake and crushed it into tiny bits. Happy Birthday Baby!!

We were going to go swimming on Marley's birthday but I didn't have anyone to go with me so we went on Wednesday when Aunt Chann could come. Thanks Chann for helping out. We had such a good time. Both the kids loved the water and the slides. Icky remembered to blow out when he went under the water, which was great considering he hasn't had lessons for 2 years. We had a hard time getting him out of the water and are definitely planning another pool trip soon.

The 4th we went down to Carl's parents. We had such a good time. We helped his neice watched his sister's 6 kids for them (it was a great reminder why we aren't in a rush for more than we have)they were good though, we'd do it again. We did a lot of 4 wheeling, hanging out with the family and the parade. Carl also helped heard some sheep on the mountain, we met them at the top and Garrick and I got to help for a little while. We don't use the horses enough. Marley finally started using a sippy cup, let the weaning begin!! She also started taking a few steps, yeah for toddling. We're having a great summer.


Lindseylou said...

Happy Birthday Marley!! You guys have had so many fun things to do! The 4th in Sanpete county - jealous...really I am. glad Carl's new toy works well. Did you guys go to the Roy pool? Wyatt loves it there so we'll have to meet you one of these times. Any reunion meetings planned? Blasted thing is sneaking up on us. PS..are you going to take Icky to HP 6? Trying to get Wy to go the the midnight showing with me...not sure if that'll work out so well for me.

Widdisons said...

Wow, that year has gone fast! Marley is a cutie, so is Garrick!
Wish we were closer to play with the 4-wheelers together.

Lesley said...

Cute blog Megann! I can't believe Marley is already one! Crazy! Summer IS awesome. Glad you're having fun