Thursday, January 22, 2009


So today was my day off and unlike usual the kids and I mostly stayed home. (First I love to not be home, nor do I want to be at work so we do random errands, which exhaust me with two kids, but still I don't want to be home so. . . Second with the air quality and Garrick's asthma we've tried to stick home more even though for some reason I don't want to, perhaps the cleaning and nagging projects that I never get done.) Anyway Garrick was napping and my sweet Marleykins had had her milk and eaten her wonderful carrots, these two things almost always lead to the inevitable explosion. I got the poop tool box ready, wipes, pad, extra diaper, butt cream,etc. I quickly open the diaper to survey the damage. Now before you think I am nuts and need to be committed, NO I don't usually search the Marley poop for foreign objects, I usually close the sucker up so quick it doesn't know what hit it. Today I was slow on the uptake and a little face in the poop caught my eye. I looked as closely as I could, but the foreigner was being difficult and I needed a new tool, something I haven't ever used in examining feces, A Q-TIP. I pushed the face around, with the q-tip, and looked and found that it was folded. There was not just a face, but an entire boy holding a bear. As I examined it closer I discovered that it was not just any random piece of paper, it was a gift tag from the Gatherum Family Christmas Chaos party. The tag said, "TO: JOSH." The from was indecipherable but I knew Annita had Josh's name this year. SO Merry Christmas Josh, again but this gift is a little less desirable than the doggie prep stuff you really got. New mystery, has the tag been in little Marley's stomach from Christmas or did she find it at Grandma's on Wednesday while she was there! The life of a mom, examining poop, I am considering a job change to a CSI or something.


Laura said...

Dan and I are rolling right now!

Stephanie said...

Marg Hellgeburger has nothin on you! Caden once swallowed a string of yarn and I had to actually pull it out a little. I was surprised by that one!

Lindseylou said...

That's pretty hillarious. I can't say that I ever examined Wyatt's diapers...I missed that in the "What to Expect" series. I'll keep that in mind if there's ever a next time.

Webster Family said...

The worst thing I ever dealt with was the usual corn and one blue tinted poop experience... So I have to say that is pretty awesome!

Widdisons said...
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Widdisons said...

You're a POO DIGGER!!!

Mandy said...

That is the funniest story! I love it so much! I agree though that it brings up many questions about the digestive system, has that tag been floating around her intestines and finally the carrots took it on the tidal wave or not? Great mommy questions! What I love the most is that when you become a mom those things stop being gross and start being really cool.