Saturday, November 29, 2008

Na, Na, Na, Na

Garrick started walking around the house singing the other day and it took us a while to figure it out. Carl whistled the tune to Harry Potter, which Icky loves, and now he goes around the house singing it constantly. It is the cutest thing. He mostly sings that but at night he'll sing Twinkle, Twinkle as well as I am a child of God. It almost brings me to tears every night. He is getting so big and is definitely a singer like his mom. His other favorite thing to do is ask, "What's your name?" He asks me about 12 times a day, but asks just about everyone we run into. It is very endearing until you've been asked three times in under a minute then it gets a little tedious.


Laura said...

He is so cute! It was great to see you guys last night.

Mandy said...

I love how his voice goes up when he is singing! How crazy cute is he?! I miss you. I love to think that they wander around with songs in their heads just like big people.

Lindseylou said...

As a fellow Harry Potter fan, I must say he did phenomenal! I've been trying to make Wyatt a fan for years!

Annita said...

Hilarious!! I love seeing the little man in action.