So I was tagged by Talease and I've done a similar tag not too long ago so I'll be brief...Rules: Write 6 random things about myself, link the person who tagged you & post the rules. Tag six people. Let them know they have been tagged.
**I am a horrible mother and teach my kids bad habits. Garrick and I always snack as we're cooking dinner resulting in. . .the ruined dinner. And I let Marley have licks of my popsicles, she's a little young but she loves them.
**My chin quivers. Mostly when my adrenaline is pumping, so when I'm nervous or playing sports, but the other day it started when Carl and I were playing catch with Garrick.? Its a mystery, not really. I inherited it from my Dad and both my kids have quiver chins, Garrick's does it more than Marley.
**I am not a great cleaner. For some reason I always forget to wipe the kitchen counters. It drives Carl nuts. For the record I do wipe them before I begin handling food.
**I am super proud of sticking out the whole breast feeding thing, mostly because I am paranoid that my kids are not eating enough. So I freak out because I can't tell how much Marley is eating. But she hasn't had more than the 10cc of formula that she had in the hospital. I am proud and have lost all the baby weight. (Sorry if I embarrased you Carl.)
**I have this new jewelry obsession. I don't really care if it is expensive or not I just want a whole bunch of it and look at it everywhere we go.
**I am addicted to internet window and non-window shopping. I love it. Shoe shopping is my favorite, Zappos is the best.
So I tag: Laura, Lindsey, Kimmy, Steph, Amy, and Jodi